Our analysis services investigate specific business issues or system deficiencies to understand the business requirements that should be supported by that system and produce a scorecard identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the existing arrangement with respect to them.
Business analysis generally considers all potential elements that may influence how well a particular set of business requirements is addressed. This encompasses the organisations, people, processes, technologies and data; including governance models, organisational culture, team dynamics and reward models.
Business analysis studies can result in numerous output deliverables including current estate inventories, business requirements specifications, risk identification and analysis, cost-benefits analysis, workflow improvement designs, etc.
Systems Analysis and IT audit studies typically investigate the issues with an existing system in order to understand what exists, how it works, what problems it poses (or are anticipated) and what potential solutions may be considered to address those issues.
The lines between business analysis and systems analysis can (and should) blur as both consider systems as a set of people, processes, tools and data. Our Systems Analysis focus more towards the technology end of the spectrum and our Business Analysis services concentrate more on the process end and support for the overall business case.